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À propos d’Adam Aktas


Adam Aktas

Youth Mentor - Camp Lift

Titre de la conférence TEDx
Life in School

[ cette conférence sera en anglais ]

Adam Aktas was a troubled high school student who hung out with the wrong group of friends and caused a lot of mischief which led him to almost being expelled.
Experiencing a life changing miracle, Adam went on to pursuing his passion with sports and focus on making better decisions. He ended up graduating high school with honors and a perseverance scholarship, and then on to graduating from Vanier in the Psychology Major program.
Today, Adam works with youth to teach them how decisions determine destiny, and how we can all create change in our own personal lives in the snap of a finger. He works with a community organization known as Camp Lift, as well as serving as a reservist in the Canadian Armed Forces.
Camp Lift
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